Raphaël Bastide
Website for cneai= événements. Collaboration with Pierre Bertet. This project was made using open source software only.
Business cards for Pierre Bertet, developer.
Avara is an open source transitional serif curveless font. Work in progress…
Portfolio design for Nadège Abadie, student at École Louis Lumière, Paris.
Web page designed for and with Killian Loddo, graphic designer. This websites called Fantastic Good Buy introduces Killian's scarves.
Website design for Caroline Lollo, photographer. This project include a Tumblr template design for a gif gallery called GifsyKings.
Website design for Pablo Londono Sarria, Colombian born fashion designer raised in Sweden.
Website design for Aude Debout, graphic designer from France.
Website design for Postcards From The Future, art collective from Brussels.
Website design for Esper Postma, artist from the Netherlands.
Scri.ch is a minimalist and hackable drawing tool. Project in collaboration with Pierre Bertet. The code is open source. Don't forget the tips on the about page.
VisitDigImp ~= Digital Improvisation – Manually controlled instrument created to improvise graphics with a free jazz band or dancers – The aim of this project is to conceive graphic creation as an instrument interacting with other instead of automatic illustration
Video: Digimp performance at École de Recherche Graphique with Gaspard Jiercé .
Digimp is open source. This project is in progress: Blog posts about Digimp.
Blank book, flat screen, table, chair and digital hardware. Installation software made with processing. Source code on demand.
10 pages booklet, specimen, tribute to Miles Davis for the 50th anniversary of his album Kind of Blue in . It shows a personal interpretation of each bar of the track So What, translated into color gradients. Each line is a bar, some anacrouses are voluntarily integrated to the bar, no special code can explain color choice, but dynamics and singular rhythm events are depicted.
Terminal Grotesque is a self-initiated type design project. This font is inspired by Radim Peško and Paul Renner, bigup dudes. This project is still in progress but you can download and fork Terminal Grotesque on GitHub.
Identity for a homemade exhibition of my personal flyer and printed matter collection — More pictures
Simple blogging system for HTML lovers — blo on GitHub
Wine bar in Montellier, FR — Designed for cubedesigners
QRcode decoder application for mobile phone
QRcode decoder application for mobile phone
Multi-launcher application
Selected logos. Email me for more identity references.
About me
Raphaël Bastide, graphic designer, hacker, open source evangelist.
Born in in Montpellier, France, I am now living in Paris and working as a freelance.
I lived in Brussels from to where I received a MA Visual Arts, specialization in digital arts and typography from the École de Recherche Graphique (ERG).
In , I lived in Amsterdam and worked as a freelance graphic designer, and have collaborated with many artists and designers.
I work with: Cneai - Manystuff - Harmen Liemburg - Guillaume Grall - AGC - Thomas Mailaender - Fine Collection…
Entretiens en français : lire, écouter.
MA Visual Arts. Specialization in Digital Arts and typography. École de Recherche Graphique (E.R.G.) Brussels, BE.
BA Visual Arts achievement with honor. École de Recherche Graphique (E.R.G.), Brussels, BE.
Second-year course in graphic design. École Internationale de Design, Toulon, FR.
Technological University Institute, network and new media University Bordeaux III, FR.
Baccalauréat in Sciences, specialization music.
Professional activities
Freelance Graphic Designer.
Apprentice at Cubedesigners Montpellier, FR. Graphic and industrial design.
Internship as a Graphic designer. CBW méditerrannée, Marseille, FR.
I worked on archiver.cc with Guillaume Grall and Benoit Santiard , on thomasmailaender.com and codev94.com with Guillaume Grall
Mulp – proof of concept for a Multi User Laboratory Platform, online.
Worknet – about the influence of social networks in contemporary graphic design.
WJ-Spots Brussels: History and future of artistic creation on the Internet, where I talked about authorship and net art with Yannick Antoine
Surfing Clubs – an introduction to net.art. Invited by Kawenga, Digital art association, Montpellier, FR.
Surfing Clubs – an introduction to net.art. Invited by Images Sonores, during Les Nuits Sonores in Lyon, FR.
Book/zine contributions
Junk Jet #4 statistics of mystics! Edited by igmade.
Junk Jet #3 flux-us! flux-you! Edited by igmade.
ERG FOLIO Edited by École de Recherche Graphique (E.R.G.), Brussels, BE.
Playful Type edited by Gestalten.
76 Anatomical illustrations in Ostéopathie et Sport, edited by Sully.
MFF2010: CONNECTED CITIES Live audio-visual performance with agf (at Ars Electronica, Linz) and me (at iMAL, Brussels).
Graphic Improvisation with Gaspard Jiercé at Colloque Industries Culturelles et Créatives (Belgium), Flagey.
Performance Sound Image Movement at ART 77, Brussels ; Using DIGIMP. Dancers: Pierre Noel Bright and Masami Sakura ; Choreographer: Stéphane Bourhis Sound Improvisation: Anthony Braucourt. More
Nouvelles improvisation at Les Beaux Arts de Lyon during the festival Nuits Sonores, Lyon, FR. This performance was an impovisation set using DIGIMP.
DIGIMP at Imal, Center for digital culture and technology Bruxelles, BE.
musical practice, percussion instruments, drums and piano. I am getting involved in several online art projects under many identities.
See also: blog - lab - GitHub - EPIC TYPE - Framit - twitter - flickr - picasa - bookmarks - camangepasdepain - linkedin - cat gif page
Aude Debout - Guillaume Grall - Florent Guerlain - Thomas Mailaender - Caroline Lollo - Pierre Bertet - Nico Neefs - Pablo Londono Sarria - Xavier Barrade - Gregory Tachet
About this website
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